Why Do Adults Love To Watch Children's Movies?

Jess Little
2 min readJun 9, 2021


Do your remember what it was like to be a child?

When the biggest worry you would have is what shoes to wear or which teddy to bring to bed that night?

Growing up can be a very sobering reality for most of us; you begin to realise that there isn’t a fairy god mother that can wave her wand and give you everything you want and desire.

The world unfortunately revolves around money – and you have to work hard for it.

Love isn’t always found straight away and heartbreak isn’t explained to you in your childhood. There are an abundance of things that you have to figure out for yourself and it is not always easy to navigate the rocky road of adulthood.

When you are a child you are shielded from most of these things and you often see the world through a rose-tinted glass, whereas adulthood can be cruel and unforgiving.

Things aren’t as simple and magical as they once seemed and we spend our life trying to relive our careless days of freedom from the relentless meritocracy that we are forced to be a part of.

This is why getting lost in our childhood favourite films can feel so delightfully nostalgic.

You relish the feeling you get from the cheesy love scenes and the silly jingles that are sung with pure glee.

Although not everything makes sense and some things seem so ridiculously unrealistic, that is what makes them so joy-inducing. The fact that things in the movie are detached from reality make you feel like you are diving in to the cartoon utopia where there is no worries holding you back anymore.

No one is judging your appearance, or asking you to work the weekends, or telling you your dreams are unattainable. Everything is possible in this state of euphoria you are lost in – and it feels so good to let go.

This explains why so many adults continue to watch children’s films: the feeling of rapture you get from stepping back in to the days of simple innocence.

This same blissful feeling can be gained by revisiting places that remind you of your carefree childhood, hence why Disneyland is so popular with adults too.

You will even see people propose to their partners there as the park has a magical element to it. You are removed from reality and are able to delve in to a world of fantasy and fiction.

I will always continue to watch my childhood favourites, especially on particularly gruelling days when all I need is to be reassured by talking animals and toys that everything will be okay.

